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by Lisa Dela Rosa |

In this time of global tremor, where many lives are at stake, there will always be someone guarding us and ensuring our safety. They are the ones who sacrifice their time with their family and self just to tend to our needs. To take care of us and fight to prevent the further spread of this desease.

They say that not all heroes wear a cape, and our frontliners are here to prove that statement. And so, on behalf of our fellow citizens, we would like to extend our cooperation and gratitude to all our frontliners.

To our doctors, nurses, and medical staff, who almost work non-stop just to assess, treat and take care of the patients, we salute you.

To the maintenance crew, we salute you for ensuring the safety of the people by helping in disinfecting the public spaces and by helping in observing cleanliness.

To the Local Government Units, we salute you for doing your job in assisting our fellow citizens as public servants. We salute those who put the taxes paid by the people into good use that will really help its constituents. Also, we thank you for always reminding us the protocols that would ensure our safety.

To the sales crew, riders, security guards and vendors who are working to cater to our basic necessities, we salute you for your service.

To the police and military who help in implementing protocols, helping in packing and delivering goods and manning the checkpoints, we salute you for your service.

And, to our fellow citizens, the hard work and sacrifice of the frontliners won’t bear fruit if we don’t do our part in this unfortunate event. As much as possible, let’s stay at home to prevent contracting and/or possibly spreading the virus. If going out can’t be avoided, especially when there is a need to buy basic needs, let’s always keep in mind the basic protocols such as wearing mask, disinfecting hands and the products you bought. In our little way, we can also help by donating basic needs for our frontliners and those who are less fortunate.

Again, we thank and salute our frontliners for their service and we will continue to support you and do our part as we continue to fight this COVID-19 pandemic.