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by Lionel Emil Javier |

Illustrations by: LDR


Written by: Lex Perry


If it doesn’t seem obvious yet, this article is going to somewhat be about Santa’s Naughty or Nice list and the things you set out to do by welcoming the new year with the new ‘you’.

I can’t help but wonder; how do you know if you are naughty or nice? How do you judge and assess yourself if you’re to be asked? How can you tell wether your deeds and actions manifest naughtiness or niceness? Come to think of it, it’s not that easy to answer, and it would make you recall and reflect on the things you’ve done in the past.

Well, you guys probably deem that I’m pertaining to kids who may or may not be deserving to get that gift they’d want for the Yuletide season, but really, I suppose that this practice or belief of some sort applies to all of us – regardless of age and maturity if you will. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that this ‘list’ is the sole factor or basis to determine wether or not we are fit to receive whatever we have or will have. Instead, I like to focus on how being genuinely nice can go a long way, and not just acting nice so as to get something in return.

Before we get all festive, let’s ask ourselves, how did we do this year? Cut the fuss and all that BS, I want all of you to soak it all in and dive deep.

As they say, nothing worth having comes easy and all things considered, we are unmistakably worthy of the things we have and will receive unless of course, they are unlawfully obtained. There’s nothing wrong with taking what’s rightfully yours, but all those other good things you get aside from all that, it must’ve mean you’ve done something right, something nice – yes, you deserve that, and I hope that it fuels you to continue doing a good turn daily.

Being ‘nice’ doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to completely quit being ‘naughty’. Find your balance. Don’t get too worked up, there’s no harm in a little impish, but you should know your limit and learn how to practice consistency for this will enable you to develop and cultivate your habits.

On the other hand, if you think that you’re getting less than what you deserve, now is not the time to feel down and lowly for yourself. Rather, let it encourage you to do better the next time. That should only mean that there’s always room for improvement; and be thankful that you have the chance to turn things around. Not to compare, but still be grateful because things could’ve been much worse.

Are you working hard or have you been slacking around? Are you making the conscious effort to make yourself better or have things only gotten worse? Have you moved closer towards your goals or have they gotten harder to achieve? (like your plan to lose weight) There are a lot of things to ask and consider, and these are only a few of what came into mind.

I may or may not have drifted away from what I’m originally trying to say, but I guess this is simply my way of reading between the lines. We’re now less than a month away from welcoming a brand new year, but that doesn’t mean we should go all reckless for the remaining days of 2018 and temporarily act like we’re trying to ‘change’ come January. Stop fooling yourself – don’t just walk the talk but actually walk the walk.

Why wait for next year to carry out your resolutions? Take it easy – It’s never too late, and it’s never too soon as well. Get it now. Get started. Happy Holidays!