When “spooky night” is just around the corner, our imagination becomes more creative and plays tricks on us while our sense of fear and horror heightens. For example, do you feel like a pair of eyes lurking in the dark and watching you? Or do you hear a faint laughter of a child or a shadow passing through your peripheral vision?
Well, it could be the works of your imagination, a product of listening to horror stories and watching horror movies, or you might be truly seeing or feeling spooky things. But, let me tell you this, not only ghost stories or supernatural beings can haunt us, because there are far more terrifying things in life that we encounter.
When I say “ghosts” it doesn’t necessarily mean a person from our past, but it could also represent regrets, past traumas, or negative memories in general. Of course, every once in a while, these “ghosts from the past” that we thought we have already forgotten may visit us when we least expect it. Yeah, our minds can betray us like that sometimes.
These represent the horrors that we are currently experiencing at the moment, like the pandemic, day to day personal struggles, present failures, and the like.
You might also have something that you are afraid to start, like a passion project, setting up a small business, etc. due to self-doubt, judgment from others, overthinking and the list goes on... But, just a piece of advice, never be afraid to try something especially if it’s for your own growth because you’ll never know when will your time will stop ticking.
Often times, we ask ourselves a question like “what does the future hold for me?” or “Will I ever find my purpose in life?”.
Yeah, it sucks not to know the answer because we can only know so much of the future like what day it will be tomorrow or what are the incoming holidays for the following month, and so on. But, beyond that, nada… we’re just left with a blank canvas. And, it is up to us on how we’re going to paint that blank canvas.
As you can see, it is safe to say that we are all living in our own respective horror stories/movies/you name it. We have our own nightmares, fears and terrors that we are facing. And, we can only come up with our own resolve because it is up to us if we’re going to conquer these fears and terrors, or be haunted for the rest of our lives.
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